SAFEGUARDING REGULATIONS We make sure your children are safe in our care. Read More
Nursery & Preschool
Sleep Policy
This Policy links to:
Other policies
Safeguarding children
Health and hygiene policy
Cleaning policy
Risk assessments
EYFS Link / statement.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework 2021, Section 3.60 states ‘Sleeping children must be frequently checked to ensure that they are safe. Being safe includes ensuring that cots/bedding are in good condition and suited to the age of the child, and that infants are placed down to sleep safely in line with latest government safety guidance’.
Targeted Safer Sleep Training will be sought and completed by all staff who are responsible for children who sleep during the day as part of their CPD.
All children will have the opportunity to sleep or rest during the day at Bizzie Lizzies.
Bizzie Lizzies staff members will make reasonable efforts to follow the child’s normal home routine. (There are however some exceptions –
Children will not be offered a pushchair, pram, bouncy chair or similar to sleep in.
2.If a child usually takes a bottle of milk to bed with them a member of staff will stay with the child while they have their milk and remove the bottle when they have finished.
All children unless there is a medical reason* will be placed in a cot on their back in a ‘feet to foot’ position. If a normally non mobile baby rolls onto its side or front a member of staff will put them back onto their back. If a child normally rolls, crawls etc rolls onto their side or front they will not be disturbed. * If there is a medical reason that the child must not be put down on their back a copy of a medical note must be provided and a copy kept on file.
Bizzie Lizzies staff members will physically check on all sleeping children a minimum of every 10 minutes.
Sleeping children will be monitored constantly using a video baby monitor.
Every effort will be made to keep sleep rooms between 16 and 20 degrees.
Children sleep clothing will be adjusted to suit the time of year.
All cots, travel cots and cot beds will have correctly fitting mattresses which comply with UK safety standards.
Only lightweight bedding such a cotton fitted sheets for mattresses and cellular blankets will be used.
Correctly fitting sleeping bags, provided by parents / carers are permitted if they are the correct thickness / tog rating for the season.
Other than a comforter and / or dummy from home, no other items will be placed in the cots, this includes but is not exclusive of cushions, pillows, soft toys, and cot bumpers.
All cots, mattresses and bedding will be checked regularly for condition and disposed of immediately if it’s showing any signs of damage.
All bedding will be changed between children using a cot, where possible a child will be assigned a cot for the week.
Any unnecessary furniture will not be put in the sleep rooms, neither will they be used for additional storage areas etc.
Child safety blinds are used in the windows.
Children who we believe to be unwell but need to rest while waiting to be collected will not be left alone while sleeping.
Useful links-
The Lullaby Trust - Safer sleep for babies, Support for families
Safe sleep for babies | Tommy's (tommys.org)
Reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) - NHS (www.nhs.uk)