SAFEGUARDING REGULATIONS We make sure your children are safe in our care. Read More
Nursery & Preschool
Arrivals and Collections
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Safeguarding policy
Non collection of a child
Induction of new children
This policy covers how we endeavour to facilitate safe and stress free arrival and collection time for the children and the expectation that families will work together with staff to facilitate this.
Our aims are to
facilitate a stress free drop off and pick up system for both the children and their parents / carers.
keep all children and adults free from harm.
Ensure that all children are only collected by those people authorised to do so.
Parents/carers bring their child to nursery by way of the front gate and door, which is always kept secure from the inside.
A staff member will open the door as soon as possible. If no one comes to the door the parent knocks or rings for entry.
On arrival into the nursery, the staff member welcomes both the child and the adult.
Parents and carers are not routinely permitted to enter the building to ensure the highest level of safe practice.
If a parent / carer wishes to speak with a member of staff a meeting may be facilitated if ratios can still be adhered to. The parent/carer will be taken to the office. On most occasions a meeting will be arranged for another suitable time.
The arrival time of the child is entered onto the famly app register.
If a child is reluctant to leave their Parent / Carer
The member of staff the child is most familiar with will meet the child and their parent at the door if possible.
Gentle encouragement will be offered.
Parents and carers are expected to encourage the child to come into the setting, the child will be handed to a member of staff and the parent/carer should be honest about picking the child up later and offer positive encouragement about their day at Bizzie Lizzies.
If the child continues to struggle coming into nursery a plan will be made between the child’s key worker and parent / carer to help facilitate a happier experience.
If a child is unhappy during drop off a member of staff will send a message via family to the parent/carer within half an hour to let them know how their child is at that point.
If a child is extremally distressed by their parent/carer leaving the parent should be on hand to collect the child until they are happier to stay for longer periods – this may mean reverting back to the ‘Induction of new children’ policy.
Parents of children starting at the nursery are asked to provide specific information, which is recorded on our Registration Form and reviewed annually.
Mobile telephone number (if applicable);
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from nursery, for example a childminder or grandparent; and
Place of work, address and telephone number (if applicable);
Home address and telephone number — if the parents do not have a telephone, an alternative number must be given.
On occasions when parents are aware that they will not be at home or in their usual place of work, they must always inform the staff either in writing, by phone or personally.
On occasions when parents or the persons normally authorised to collect the child are not able to collect the child, they inform us of the name, address and telephone number of the person who will be collecting their child. We agree with parents how the identification of the person who is to collect their child will be verified. (This may be a password)
Parents are informed that if they are not able to collect the child as planned, they must inform us so that we can begin to take back-up procedures. We provide parents with our contact telephone number. We also inform parents that — in the event that their children are not collected from nursery by an authorised adult and the staff can no longer supervise the child in our premises — we apply our safeguarding children procedures as set out in our safeguarding children policy and Non collection of a child policy. – Procedure to be followed in the event of a child not being collected.
No child will leave the setting with someone who is not a parent/carer or usually collects without prior permission.
If a member of the team suspects that the person collecting a child is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the child will have to remain on the premises until another member of the family is contacted. A report will be written up and kept confidentially with the child’s records. Safeguarding procedures may be implemented.