SAFEGUARDING REGULATIONS We make sure your children are safe in our care. Read More
Nursery & Preschool
Safeguarding Policy
Bizzie Lizzies believes all children should be protected and kept safe from harm.
Our strict safer recruitment policy means All members of staff at Bizzie Lizzies have a DBS certificate which is run through a system check every half term.
All staff have completed safeguarding children training and are fully aware that safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility.
All staff are trained to recognise the identify signs of neglect and/or abuse and are aware of the procedure to be followed if any abuse is suspected.
If you are worried about the safety of a child or an adult but unsure of what to do next you are welcome to come in and speak to Lucy who is our designated safeguarding lead or Sam or Sarah who are deputies to this role. They may be able to offer advice or signpost you to an organisation who can.
Below is a list of some of the safeguarding training our Bizzie Lizzies members of staff have completed-
Safeguarding children
Working together to safeguard children.
Neglect and care profile
Contextual safeguarding.
Prevent training.
Safer recruitment
Safer sleep
Fabricated illness
Disguised compliance
Child sexual exploitation
Whistleblowing and potential barriers
Child neglect
Safeguarding Contacts
Who to contact if you’re worried about the safety of a child.
If you think a child is in immediate danger
POLICE - 999
If you are worried about the safety of a child in Herefordshire
Report to - Herefordshire MASH (multi agency safeguarding hub)
Main contact – 01432 261739
Alice Bonness – 01432260879
Megan Moss – 01432 260858
If you have concerns about a professional working with a child
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Terry Pilliner – 01432261739
If you are worried someone is being radicalised
Channel / Prevent
Counter terrorism Police
West Mercia prevent team
0800 011 3764
For general advice from Bizzie Lizzies and signposting if you’re unsure of what to do
Sam & Sarah
Safeguarding Lead / Deputy Safeguarding Lead.