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Nursery & Preschool
Booking a place

If you are looking for a nursery or pre school space please, at first instance contact the nursery on 01544 327947 or email us on bzzlzz1@aol.com and we will happily arrange a time for you to come and have a look around and discuss your childcare needs. (Please be aware we do take bookings up to 2 years in advance so the earlier you contact us the better!)
While having a tour of the setting please ask as many questions as you’d like, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
Following the tour if you would like to book a space you will need to provide the following information-
Start date and times. (We only take bookings for a minimum of 2 days/week)
Contact details for both parents.
A copy of your child’s birth certificate.
Any additional information we will need to be aware of - (SEND needs, allergies etc)
To hold your space we require a deposit which is equivalent of what will be 1 month’s fees.
Until we have received this deposit amount the space is not reserved and will still be available to other families.
The deposit is non refundable if you later decide to not take up the space.
Once the deposit is received your space is secure for the hours and start date agreed.
When your child starts with us the deposit will be used against your first invoice.